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SACTWU welcomes increased vaccination rate in clothing industry

Date: 26 November 2021

Media release: immediate

SACTWU welcomes increased vaccination rate in clothing industry

The COSATU-affiliated Southern African Clothing & Textile Workers’ Union welcomes reports of a high current COVID-19 vaccination rate in the South African clothing industry.

Yesterday, the industry’s COVID Vaccination Rollout Co-ordinating Commitee (CVRCC) met in its normal monthly progress tracking meeting.

We received a report about progress with implementation of our clothing industry COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout Campaign Framework Agreement which we had concluded earlier this year, with clothing sector employers.

This Framework Agreement laid the basis of how we will build capacity to self-administer the vaccine to workers in our industry, using our industry’s worker health care clinic system.

Our CVRCC report of yesterday showed that, out of a sample of 33 906 persons registered with the clothing industry’s health care clinics, a total of 25 107 (or 74%) have now been vaccinated (as at yesterday).

This compares well with the 35% vaccination rate in the country, as at yesterday.

We are pleased with this progress, which brings us within reach of the 80% vaccination rate which our Framework Agreement sets as a target for our industry.

The report also showed that out of 320 hospital admissions recorded, 295 (or 92%) were among workers who are not vaccinated, 21 (or 7%) were partially vaccinated and 4 (or 1%) were fully vaccinated.

Similarly, the report showed that out of 56 COVID-19-related deaths recorded among clothing workers, 49 (or 88%) were among workers who were unvaccinated, 7 (or 13%) were partially vaccinated and 0 fully vaccinated.

We will continue to encourage all our members to get vaccinated, in all sectors where we are organised.

Issued by
André Kriel

If further comment is required, kindly contact one of the following SACTWU representatives:

Membinkosi Vilina, SACTWU Deputy General Secretary, on cell number 081 723 0730

Bonita Loubser, SACTWU 1st National Organising Secretary on cell number 082 800 7142

Michael Shabalala, SACTWU 2nd National Organising Secretary on cell number 081 782 3753

For more information on COVID-19 and government regulation: Click here