Sactwu is a duly registered trade union, registered in terms of the relevant provisions of the Labour Relations Act in South Africa. We are one of the Cosatu affiliated unions in South Africa, and an affiliate of Industriall, the global manufacturing union federation.
We have over 110 000 members in more than 2 000 workplaces nationally.
Sactwu is the largest trade union in the clothing, textile, leather and footwear industry in South Africa and globally, and we have a growing presence in other parts of the economy such as distribution, agriculture and food processing.
Sactwu was founded in September 1989, the result of a merger between key garment, textile and leather sector trade unions. The roots of the union go back over 100 years to organising of tailors in the Johannesburg area in 1918.
We have 35 branches around the country and we are the largest manufacturing trade union in Cape Town, Botshabelo, Mogwase, QwaQwa, Ladysmith, Newcastle, Isithebe and many other towns.
We have trade union density of over 88% in our traditional sectors. This allows Sactwu to represent its members more effectively.
Sactwu negotiates wages and terms of conditions of employment, participates in the development of sectoral and national policies, offers a range of benefits, and fights for the rights and jobs of our members.